About graduating
From subject examinations to the exact procedure and supervision. Find out how to successfully complete your studies and choose the right topic.
From the process to the final thesis and the final exam
You can find all the information you need for your degree on the Gewi Deanery website.
Final theses
At the Department of Romance Studies, theses in literary studies, cultural studies, linguistics and didactics can be supervised.
Information on theses for the Master's degree program and the Teacher Training Master's degree program can be found in the link provided.
Any lecturer with a teaching license (Venia legendi/Habilitation) who has a valid employment contract at the University of Graz may supervise theses.
In exceptional cases, in addition to the persons mentioned, non-habilitated lecturers may also be appointed as supervisors. The Cuko chairperson, head of department and (vice) dean of studies decide on approval.
You can only write papers from the subjects of French/Italian/Spanish. However, Portuguese and Romanian can be studied comparatively with one of the three languages mentioned above.
Final examinations: Registration
Contact your two examiners early enough to arrange a date for the final examination. You must inform the Romance Studies Office of two possible dates, including the time, names of the examiners and examination subjects. Please note that at least one of your two examiners must be habilitated. The secretariat will take care of finding a chairperson and you will receive an email as soon as the decision has been made.
Once you have successfully completed all the examinations and achievements prescribed in the study plan/curriculum and your thesis has been assessed positively, you can officially register for the final board examination. You must register at least 14 days before the examination date. You can find all the necessary information about graduation on the Dean's Office website.
Final examination: Master's overall examination
For the overall examination of the Master's degree program, an oral examination of 60 minutes in total is planned, which consists of literature and linguistics.
Literary Studies
Examination duration: 30 minutes
Examination mode: oral
In the case of a Master's thesis in Literary Studies, the following examination structure applies:
- Part 1: Discussion of the Master's thesis
- Part 2: Examination on a maximum of seven selected texts and related secondary literature
In the case of a non-literary Master's thesis, the examination is divided as follows: two topics with a reading list of five texts each and secondary literature based on them.
Examination duration: 30 minutes
Examination mode: oral
The examination consists of two parts of 15 minutes each.
In the case of a Master's thesis in linguistics, the examination is divided as follows:
- Part 1: Defense of the Master's thesis
- Part 2: Questions on a topic agreed in advance that was not the subject of the Master's thesis
In the case of a non-linguistics Master's thesis, the following examination structure applies:
Part 1: Questions on a topic agreed in advance
Part 2: Questions on a second topic agreed in advance
At least one part of the examination shall be held in the examined foreign language.
After a relevant master's degree/teaching degree, you can take up a doctoral program in various research areas at the Department of Romance Studies.
- You can find an overview of possible supervisors here.
- Important information on registration & organization of doctoral studies can be found on the website of the Faculty of Humanities: Doktoratsstudium - Geisteswissenschaftliche Fakultät Uni Graz (uni-graz.at)
- The Doctoral Academy Graz supports all doctoral students at the University of Graz with numerous offers & relevant information: Services for doctoral students (uni-graz.at)
Subject examinations
Subject examinations serve as proof of the knowledge and skills acquired in courses of a subject or module, or in modules of a subject and through self-study. Subject examinations can be conducted as individual examinations by an examiner or as board examinations by an examination senate.
Subject examinations are planned for the following degree programs in Romance Studies:
- Bachelor's degree of Romance Studies
- Master's degree of Romance Studies
Subject examinations in literature and linguistics must be taken in the above-mentioned degree programs. The subject examinations test knowledge of French/Italian/Spanish literature and French/Italian/Spanish linguistics. The literary and linguistic subject examinations are based on the reading lists drawn up on the recommendation of the Curriculum Commission.

Subject examination in Literary Studies (Bachelor of Romance Studies)
Wednesday, 07.05.2025, 13.30 - 15.00 in SiZi 33.3.0242
(Frz./Fr.Prof. Poier-Bernhard, Ital./Hr. Prof.Schneider, Span./Hr. Prof. Hahn)
Registration deadline: Tuesday, 29.04.2025
Registration: only possible in UNIGRAZonline
Expected next examination dates:
Wednesday, 04.06.2025, 13.30 - 15.00 in SiZi 33.3.0242
(Frz./Fr.Prof. Poier-Bernhard, Ital./Hr. Prof.Schneider, Span./Hr. Prof. Hahn)
Modalities of the subject examination in literature
The reading lists valid since WS 2021/22 can be found here.
Examination modalities: The 90-minute written exam is application and text-oriented. You will choose two text passages taken from the works on the relevant reading list and discuss them on the basis of key questions. You will situate the text passage in the novel or drama text as well as in relevant poetological or socio-historical contexts and analyze it using the literary terms/categories available to you and appropriate to your commentary.
In the case of poetry, an individual poem is to be analyzed in its levels of structure and meaning, whereby poetological, intertextual or literary-historical questions also become relevant. It is therefore advisable to prepare a (general) overview of the listed volumes of poetry.
The text passages will of course be provided in the original language (French, Italian, Spanish); the written examination, however, must be written in German (exceptions for native speakers of French, Italian and Spanish). A monolingual dictionary may be used as an aid in the written examination.
Subject examination Literary Studies (Master French)
Oral: Monday, 05.05.2025, 11.45 - 13.15 hrs, in SiZi 33.03.0242
Examiner: Ms. Prof. Poier-Bernhard
Registration deadline: Monday, 28.04.2025
Registration: only possible in UNIGRAZonline
Note: Please contact the respective examiner before the subject examination in order to agree on the examination focus in a preliminary discussion.
Expected next examination dates:
Monday, 02.06.2025, Prof. Poier-Bernhard, 11.45 - 13.15 hrs, in SiZi 33.03.0242
Modalities Master Romance Studies
Exam duration: 30 minutes
Reading list for the MA subject examination
The reading lists valid for the literary studies subject examination as part of the Master's degree program in Romance Studies since WS 2021/22 can be found here.
Examination modalities:
In preparation for the oral examination, you will have a discussion with the examiners about the texts on the reading list.
Socio-cultural and factual-historical contextual knowledge is not in the foreground, but the ability to classify literary history is a prerequisite. As part of the MA examination in literary studies, you will demonstrate that you have read the texts and reflected on their content and that you can make a differentiated statement on their poetological premises and formal-aesthetic presentation methods.
Subject examination Literary Studies (Master Italian)
Oral: Monday, 05.05.2025, 10.00 - 11.30 hrs, DiZi 33.04.0310
Examiner: Mr. Prof. Schneider
Registration deadline: Monday, 28.04.2025
Registration: only possible in UNIGRAZonline
Note: Please contact the respective examiner before the subject examination in order to agree on the examination focus in a preliminary discussion.
Expected next examination dates:
Monday, 02.06.2025, Mr. Prof. Schneider, 10.00 - 11.30 hrs, DiZi 33.04.0310
Modalities Master Romance Studies
Exam duration: 30 minutes
Reading list for the MA subject examination
The reading lists valid for the literary studies subject examination as part of the Master's degree program in Romance Studies since WS 2021/22.
Examination modalities:
In preparation for the oral examination, you will have a discussion with the examiners about the texts on the reading list.
Socio-cultural and factual-historical contextual knowledge is not in the foreground, but the ability to classify literary history is a prerequisite. As part of the MA examination in literary studies, you will demonstrate that you have read the texts and reflected on their content and that you can make a differentiated statement on their poetological premises and formal-aesthetic presentation methods.
Subject examination Literary Studies (Master Spanish)
Oral: Monday, 05.05.2025, 11.45 - 13.15 h, DiZi 33.03.064
Examiner: Mr. Prof. Hahn
Registration deadline: Monday, 28.04.2025
Registration: only possible in UNIGRAZonline
Note: Please contact the respective examiner before the subject examination in order to agree on the examination focus in a preliminary discussion.
Expected next examination dates:
Monday, 05.05.2025, Mr. Prof. Hahn, 11.45 - 13.15 h, DiZi 33.03.064
Monday, 02.06.2025, Mr. Prof. Hahn, 11.45 - 13.15 h, DiZi 33.03.064
Modalities Master Romance Studies
Exam duration: 30 minutes
Reading list for the MA subject examination
The reading lists valid for the literary studies subject examination as part of the Master's degree program in Romance Studies since WS 2021/22.
Examination modalities:
In preparation for the oral examination, you will have a discussion with the examiners about the texts on the reading list.
Socio-cultural and factual-historical contextual knowledge is not in the foreground, but the ability to classify literary history is a prerequisite. As part of the MA examination in literary studies, you will demonstrate that you have read the texts and reflected on their content and that you can make a differentiated statement on their poetological premises and formal-aesthetic presentation methods.
Subject examination Linguistics (Bachelor Romance Studies)
Oral: Thursday, March 20, 2025
Examination team: Heidinger/Quaglia (time will be announced after the registration deadline)
Registration deadline: Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Registration: only possible in UNIGRAZonline,
Deregistration: only possible at romanistik(at)uni-graz.at
Expected next exam dates:
Thursday, May 15, 2025, Hummel/Quaglia
Thursday, June 12, 2025; Heidinger/Quaglia
Please note the modalities of implementation!
Modalities Bachelor Romance Studies
Examination material: based on the textbooks listed on the reading list
Examination procedure:
- Oral examination of (maximum) 30 minutes
- You will be informed of the exact time one day after the registration deadline
Subject examination Linguistics (Master Romance Studies)
Oral: Thursday, March 20, 2025
Examination team: Heidinger/Quaglia (time will be announced after the registration deadline)
Registration deadline: Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Registration: Registration at: romanistik (at)uni-graz.at
Deregistration: only possible at romanistik(at)uni-graz.at
Expected next exam dates:
Thursday, May 15, 2025, Hummel/Quaglia
Thursday, June 12, 2025; Heidinger/Quaglia
Please note the modalities of implementation!
Modalities Master Romance Studies
Examination material: based on the textbooks listed on the reading list
Examination procedure:
- Oral examination of (maximum) 30 minutes
- you will be informed of the exact time one day after the registration deadline