Romance literature and cultural studies
As a cultural science, Romance literary studies deals with aesthetically composed forms of expression that originate in or are closely associated with Romance languages. Written expressions such as literary texts or productions realized in other media such as photographs, films or oral recitations reveal a great deal about the past and present, about the development and history of Romance-speaking cultures worldwide. At the same time, they do not simply depict them, as the objects of literary studies are usually artfully composed artifacts.
In order to illuminate and contextualize the processes of such literary, to reconstruct the underlying creativity and to question possible patterns of tradition, literary analysis and interpretation comes into play. It has developed a comprehensive set of tools for this purpose, ranging from the hermeneutic art of interpretation to (post-)structuralist methodological and theoretical pluralism and more recent, politically very conscious approaches such as postcolonial or queer studies, ecocritical or (critically) posthumanist approaches. All theoretical models and literary studies methodologies can be classified insofar as they focus on either the text as such or the context, either the authors or the recipients of a work.
The spectrum of literary objects of study ranges from medieval or early modern epic poetry, lyric poetry and drama to the diverse repertoire of contemporary novels, films and series of the 20th and 21st centuries. Normative distinctions in H vs. P (i.e. in educationally relevant high literature and the more escapist popular literature) and rigid canonizations hardly carry any weight here. For wherever worlds are created from & in texts, stories and images, literary studies perspectives have their place, tracing the genesis of these worlds and revealing symbolic or material practices relevant to cultural studies.
Individual research priorities
The main areas of research in literary and cultural studies at the Department of Romance Studies can be found on the researchers' websites (listed in alphabetical order).
| +43 316 380 - 2508 Institut für Romanistik |
| +43 316 380 - 3841 Institut für Romanistik |
| +43 316 380 - 2505 Institut für Romanistik |
| +43 316 380 - 2516 Institut für Romanistik |
| +43 316 380 - 2512 Institut für Romanistik |
| Institut für Romanistik |
| +43 316 380 - 2500 Institut für Romanistik |
| +43 316 380 - 2511 Institut für Romanistik |
Recent projects, collaborations & publications
International conference, December 2023
eds. Angela Fabris, Albert Göschl and Steffen Schneider, forthcoming 2023.
International conference, November 2022
eds. Kurt Hahn / Marita Liebermann, published December 2021
Digital conference, July 2021
Overview of currently supervised dissertations
- An eco-aesthetic of the desert: through the Sahara with Théodore Monod, Odette du Puigaudeau and Roger Frison-Roche (Barmüller Hannah, supervisor: Schneider Steffen)
- Écopoétique du sacré: récits de voyages français sur le pèlerinage aux sources du Gange (Bhatt Pankhuri, supervisor: Schneider Steffen)
- Poetic anthropology and cultural practice in Le Clézio's work from 1989 onwards (Gamerith Angela, supervisor: Schneider Steffen)
- La letteratura e il film come mezzi di sensibilizzazione sull'inclusione sociale - una proposta di linea guida basata su un modello d'analisi letteraria (Kirchberger Elena, Supervisor: Schneider Steffen)
- Suicide and narration: Modeling self-destruction in the French late modernist novel (Kretz Laura Eleonora Adriana, supervisor: Hahn Kurt)
- On fictional life plans and the real author in Camus' narrative work (Santner Julia, supervisor: Schneider Steffen)
- Visiones fluidas: deconstrucción de imaginarios no_humanos en la narrativa de ciencia ficción de Elia Barceló (Simbriger Valerie, supervisor: Hahn Kurt)
- Functions of writing under the sign of censorship and inquisition - a literary study of the Portuguese "Século das luzes" on the basis of moral weeklies (Striedner Pascal, supervisor: Ertler Klaus-Dieter)
- Between heaven and earth: power, decline and catharsis of the individual from Paolo Sorrentino's ironic perspective (Tardivo Giulia, supervisor: De Michele Fausto)
- Towards an aesthetic of the non-anthropocentric in contemporary Latin American female fiction (Urschler Verena, supervisor: Kurt Hahn)
- Jazz beats, rumba rhythms and hip-hop sounds in francophone black African literature: music used for language (Wiener Helena, supervisor: Poier-Bernhard Astrid)

Our completed projects
Forms of Appropriation of the Spectator in the Romance world: The Italian Journals
Project leader: Klaus-Dieter Ertler
Funded by: FWF, Faculty of Humanities
Duration: 2012-2020
Forms of appropriation of the Spectator in the Romance world: French periodicals
Project leader: Klaus-Dieter Ertler
Funded by: FWF, Faculty of Humanities
Duration: 2014-2020
The reception of the 'Spectator' in the Romance world: Spain
Project leader: Klaus-Dieter Ertler
Funded by: FWF
Duration: 1.4.2013 - 31.12.2013
The reception of the Spectator in Romania: Spain (P 18083-G03)
Project leader: Klaus-Dieter Ertler
Funded by: FWF
Duration: 01.09.2005 - 31.08.2010
A word from abroad. Theory and History of the Concept of Authenticity
A Foreign Word. Theory and History of the Notion of Authenticity
Project leader: Susanne Knaller
Funded by: FWF
Duration: 2005-2008